How to Prepare Now for Severe Winter Weather in Indiana
PICTURE IT: Indiana. 2009. Ice storm.
Yeah, I have PTSD from it too. So, every winter I get prepared.
You'll Be Glad You Prepared
While the preparations for severe winter weather are not a whole lot different than they would be for any other natural disaster preparations, there are some things that are different that need to be taken into account.
The Basics
Living in the Midwest, you should already have things like flashlights and extra batteries around the house as part of your disaster preparedness supplies, as well as a battery-powered radio to keep up with changes in weather-related information.

Don't Forget Food and Water
You also likely already have first-aid supplies, as well as a supply of bottled water and extra food, but is it the right kind of food? In the event of a power outage, it is best to have a supply of nonperishable that do not require cooking - think nuts, granola, and dried fruit... you get the idea.
How to Stay Warm If You Lose Heat
Aside from these essentials, in the event of a winter storm, you also need to be prepared if you lose heat in your home. Weather.gov recommends having an alternative heat source like a fireplace, wood stove, or even a space heater, providing you have adequate ventilation for it. If your heat does go out, they say to follow these tips to stay warm,
- Close off unneeded rooms to avoid wasting heat.
- Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors.
- Close blinds or curtains to keep in some heat.
- Eat and drink. Food provides the body with energy for producing its own heat. Drinks lots of water and other non-caffeinated, non-alcholohic drinks to prevent dehydration. Cold air is very dry.
- Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing. Remove layers to avoid overheating, perspiration and subsequent chill.
Don't Forget About Your Pets
You also do not want to forget about your pets, if you have any. Be sure that you have extra food, water, and any other supplies you may need for the animals in your care.
Better Safe Than Sorry
The bottom line is that it is always better to be prepared, especially when dealing with frigid winter temperatures that can be life-threatening. Now that you're ready at home, keep scrolling to learn how to ready your car for winter driving.
[Source: Weather.gov]
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