Posey County Fair Schedule July 17-22
Get to the Posey County Fairgrounds in New Harmony, Indiana this week for FREE rides, entertainment, food, and a ton of fun at this year's Posey County Fair.
Monday, July 17
- 7-10am: Enter 4-H Beef, Dairy, & Swine (Barns)
- 7am-7pm: Enter 4-H Horses & Ponies (Barns)
- 8:30am: 4-H Exhibit Building Judging (Ex. Bldg.)
- 5-10pm: Exhibit bldg. open to the public
- 5 -7pm: Farm Bureau Inc. Meal (CC)
- 5:45pm: Last Year 4-H Member Recognition (CC)
- 6:00pm: 4-H Food Auction (CC)
- 6:00pm: 4-H Goat Show (Livestock Arena)
- 6:00pm: Practice for Quad/Bike Drag
- 7:00pm: Quad/Bike Drag Race Begins (K-G
Track) - 7:00pm: Loehr Productions 2nd Annual Ranch
Rodeo (Main Arena
Tuesday, July 18th
- 7:30-8:30am: Enter 4-H Poultry/Rabbits
- 9:00am: 4-H Rabbit Show (Rabbit Barn)
- 9:00am: 4-H Horse & Pony Show Div. I-V (horse arena)
- 10:30am: 4-H Dairy Show (livestock Arena)
- 1:00pm: 4-H Poultry Show & Egg Judging (Poultry
- Barn)
- 5:00-7pm: Meals in Community Center (St. Francis
Relay Team) (CC) - 5-10pm: Exhibit Building Open to the Public
- 5-10pm: Carnival A-1 For Fun
- 6:00pm: 4-H Swine Show (Livestock Arena)
- 6:00pm: Beautiful Baby Contest
- 6:30pm: Tiny Miss Contest (CC)
- 7:00pm: Loehr Productions Team Roping (Main
Arena) - 7:00pm: Truck/Tractor Pull (KG Track)
- 7:30pm: Little Miss Contest (CC)
Wednesday, July 19
Military Appreciation Day
- 9:00am: 4-H Sheep Show (Livestock Arena)
- 9:00am: 4-H Horse & Pony Show Div. VI-XII1:00 p.m.4-H Cat Show (CC)
- 5:00-7pm: Extension Homemakers Meal (CC)
- 5-10pm: Carnival A-1 For Fun
- 6:00pm: Horse & Pony Show Div. XIII (Horse
Arena) - 6:00pm: 4-H Beef Show (Livestock Arena)
- 6:00pm: Gospel Singing (CC)
- 6:30pm: POCO Mudder (Motocross Track)
- 7:00pm: Garden Tractor Pulls (K-G Track)
- 7:00pm: Loehr Productions Team Penning
(Main Arena)
Thursday, July 20
- 9:00am: 4-H Tractor Operator’s Contest
- 5:00pm: ChainSaw Demo (Paul Moon)
- 5-7:00pm: Extension Homemakers Meal (CC)
- 5-10pm: Carnival A-1 For Fun
- 5:45pm: Last Year 4-H Member Recognitions
(Livestock Arena) - 6:00pm: Kiddie Pedal Pulls (Outdoor Stage)
- 6:00pm: 4-H Horse & Pony Fun Show
(HorseArena) - 6:00pm: 4-H Supreme Showmanship(Lvstk.Arena)
- 7:00pm: Mud Volleyball (Main Arena)
- 7:00pm: Tractor Olympics (KG Track)
- 7:30pm: Open Beef Show (Livestock Arena)
- 7:30pm: Concert-Nashville Artist Justin Adams
(Outdoor Stage)
Friday, July 21
- 9:00am: 4-H Livestock Auction (Livestock Arena)
- 11am-6pm: 4-H completion party (Harmonie Park)
- 12-1:00pm: Extension Homemakers meal (CC)
- 2:00pm: 4-H Animal Exhibits released
- 5-10pm: Carnival A-1 For Fun
- 5:00pm: ChainSaw Demo (Paul Moon)
- 6:00pm: Talent Show (CC)
- 6-7 pm: Open Exhibits Released (Ex. Bldg.)
- 6-7 pm: 4-H Premium Money Pick-up (Ex. Bldg.)
- 6:-7pm: 4-H Exhibits Released (Ex. Bldg.)
- 7:00pm: Mud Sling (Main Arena)
- 7:00pm: Antique Tractor Pull (K-G Track)
Saturday, July 22
- 7pm: Demolition Derby (Main Arena)