I had quite the busy weekend. I got to do a couple of stand-up sets up in South Bend, IN at The Drop Comedy Club! While I wasn't a huge fan of the 5ish hour drive north, I was a huge fan of making the fine people of South Bend laugh. I also got to perform with one of my bestest comedy friends, Ryan Niemiller.

Out of the three shows we did, I'd have to say two of them were great, while one was just kind of OK. There is nothing quite like have a front row of the audience consist of people who look like they are being forced to be there against their will. Everyone else during that show had a great time though so it evened out.

While the shows were my reason for being there, the highlight of my weekend was finding a Gavin doppleganger. I have this thing I like to do where I notice people who look like me and then ask to take a pic with them. I call it "Hunting my Doppleganger." And as the picture will show, South Bend did not disappoint. Behold: The South Bend Gavin!



It's almost creepy how much this chum looks like me. He was very nice and we had a lot of similar interests. Unfortunately, I had to harness his life energy because with each doppleganger I defeat, I get that much closer to becoming immortal!

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