Lego Version of ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Trailer is Better Than the Original
Despite the fact that stepping on one barefoot is one of the worst pains known to mankind, LEGOS has gone way beyond toys that kids use to build things. LEGOS have become just as well known for their video games, movies, and TV shows. I can only imagine how much work it takes for a team of animators to put together a TV show or a movie – I actually can NOT imagine how much work it takes for one person to do the same thing.
Let me introduce you to Augustus Danko, known on YouTube as OnBeatMan. His YT channel is full of brilliantly put-together LEGO stop motion videos, focusing on Star Wars and adventure. Danko is clearly a huge fan of LEGO, but he is also apparently a big fan of Top Gun - you have to be a serious fan in order to do what Danko did. This fella recreated, shot for shot, the trailer for the still unreleased Top Gun: Maverick, using LEGOS.
Pretty impressive, right? Keep in mind, that’s not a company that put together that video – that was just one guy, using equipment that is not exactly new (Canon t6i camera, a 2017 iMac, and a 2011 MacBook Pro). Something like this, with that amount of detail, had to take a long time to produce, right? How long? Danko says it took him several months. [h/t:]
I’m already convinced – Augustus Danko is the friggin’ man – but maybe you need to see more before you make up your mind. To see how meticulous Danko is, check out the side-by-side comparison of his video with the actual movie trailer. Mind...blown!