Community Mourns the Passing of Kisska: The Stray from L.A. to Indiana Therapy Dog
The first big story of 2020 (Before COVID) was KISSKA: The Stray from L.A. Her backstory was like a Hollywood movie, and her adoption story was like a sequel.
This screenshot was on my phone because I sent it to my husband as soon as KISSA arrived in Evansville.
KISSKA's Backstory
KISSKA's story began with It Takes a Village in 2013, where she was adopted from the no-kill rescue. From there, we know that the precious pit ended up in Los Angeles, California. In December 2019, KISSKA ended up in a shelter in L.A. No one is really sure why she landed there as a stray, but thankfully she was microchipped and It Takes a Village was notified. After a cross-country road trip, KISSKA arrived in Evansville.
We held an impromptu meet and greet with her at the Eastside Pet Food Center. She was so full of love and KISSES for everyone. I wanted to scoop her up and take her home.
Home Sweet Home and a Mission for KISSKA
It seems that KISSKA had a higher calling, and it's so perfect for her. It Takes a Village shared an amazing update:
Father Gene Schroeder came to ITV looking for a dog to keep with him at St. Joseph Catholic Church. He met and fell in love with Kisska. Pretty much everyone who meets her instantly loves her so we were not surprised by this! Father Schroeder took Kisska home to foster her. At the church fish fry (prior to the pandemic), Kisska was a big hit and the parishioners just loved her! Not that Father Schroeder needed too much convincing, but this little girl had won him over and he knew she was in her forever home. Father Schroeder recently made it official and little Kisska is homeless no more! Kisska will be working on training to become a certified therapy dog.
It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later - Update on Sweet KISSKA's Story
"We were very sad to learn yesterday that Kisska passed away due to a ruptured internal mass. Many of you may remember Kisska from her return trek from California to Evansville in 2020. Kisska spent the last 3 years of her life very much loved by Father Schroeder. Below is the story of Kisska, a little rescue dog who was loved by so many!"
Read More: Evansville Rescue Dog Ends Up in LA Kill Shelter [UPDATE]
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