Mom Pulls a St. Patrick’s Day Joke on Her Kids
Instead of celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a traditional Irish meal or green dessert, I decided to have a little fun with a box of Lucky Charms when my kids were around 13 or 14 years old.
So, I bought this cereal for all of our family to enjoy on St. Patrick's Day. Jaclyn and Eric were looking forward to eating some Lucky Charms because we didn't normally buy this cereal for their breakfast.
So, the morning of St. Patrick's Day, both kids sat at the table and started pouring some magically delicious Lucky Charms into their bowls, but something looked different coming out of the box. I remember the disappointed look on their faces as the cereal kept pouring into the bowls. Eric said, "Hey! Where's the Lucky Charms marshmallows, Mom?"
As a joke to the kids, I took out all the marshmallow's from the entire box of Lucky Charms! You can imagine the look on their faces when they didn't see any pink hearts, green clovers, yellow moons, and orange stars or whatever the latest charms were at that time! They weren't too happy, of course. I just told them I must have bought a bad defective box! Of course, I was kidding all along. And, to make up for them being such good sports, I bought another box and left all the Lucky Charms marshmallows inside for them to enjoy the next day.
Gotta have a little fun from time to time, right? My kids have never forgotten about that St. Patrick's Day joke as I get reminded about it year after year. I'm happy they have a great sense of humor! LOL I hope everyone has a fun, safe and Happy St. Patrick's Day this year! #MomsJustWannaFun #StPatricksDay #LuckofTheIrish