Netflix has released a new teaser trailer for its upcoming animated series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. This time, the keys to the kingdom belong to the kids, a plucky group who are determined to have the “most amazing” camp trip ever. That, or be devoured alive by prehistoric beasts. The show hails from executive producers Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow and Frank Marshall, along with showrunners Scott Kreamer and Aaron Hammersley. Check out the trailer below:

By this point, you should know the drill: A group of dino-loving visitors enter a theme-park filled with real dinosaurs, only to discover that the park’s safety mechanisms actually suck. Very quickly, the once-in-a-lifetime experience becomes a race for their own lives. While both the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World franchises feature kids, there’s always a solid crop of quick-thinking, physically capable adults at the ready. But Camp Cretaceous’ trailer features no adults at all, not even a camp counselor. Are these kids really on their own? Who’s monitoring them? Who approved this camp in the first place?

The new animated series is sure to tide over younger viewers before Jurassic World: Dominion, which restarted filming in London earlier this month. It’s also a perfect primer for kids who aren’t mature enough to handle the violence of the live-action Jurassic World movies. Camp Cretaceous is bound to have violence, but it’s somehow easier to swallow when it's CGI blood.

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous premieres on Netflix on September 18.

Gallery — The Funniest Thumbnails on Netflix:

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