In April of 2023, the Junior League of Owensboro hosted a Free Laundry Day at two local laundromats here in town.The inaugural event was a huge success and many local families were served by the effort. The League provided $1300 worth of free loads of laundry that day, plus free food and fun activities for the kids who joined their parents at the laundromat.

Free Laundry Day was so popular, the Junior League held others throughout the year and that popularity has prompted them to set up two additional days as we roll into 2024.

Free Laundry Day has become an essential component of the Junior League of Owensboro’s mission to combat hygiene poverty, an increasing problem here in Daviess County and surrounding areas. In late 2023, the League committed to hosting events aimed at educating the public about the seriousness and prevalence of the issue.

Here in the U.S., we have been slow to recognize hygiene poverty as a real issue. That said, our counterparts in the UK have been tackling it for a while now and launching public education efforts to help spread the word about the cause and possible remedies.

There's no doubt that Free Laundry Days are one way to combat hygiene poverty locally. At their events, members of the Junior League of Owensboro provide coins for the washing machines and dryers, free laundry detergent and supplies, and free snacks and activities for kids.

Save these dates. The Junior League just announced the first two Free Laundry Days of 2024.

Junior League of Owensboro
Junior League of Owensboro

If you know someone who would benefit from Free Laundry Day, please help spread the word!

Owensboro's Little Libraries & Blessing Boxes

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Gallery Credit: ANGEL WELSH




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