An old law will become new again when statue IC 9-26-1-1.2, a.k.a. the "Move It Law", takes effect at midnight on Friday, July 1st.

Basically, it states that in the event of a vehicle accident, all parties involved are to move their vehicles off the road if possible to prevent secondary accidents from occuring. According to the Indiana State Police, the law had been on the books in the past, but was inadvertently removed at some point in time.

Local ISP Public Relations Officer, Todd Ringle, expanded on the law through his Facebook page a couple of weeks ago.

The law will be considered a Class C infraction, the lowest level criminal charge in the state, which means it can carry a maximum penalty of up to 60 days in jail, as well as a $500 fine.

While it seems highly unlikely a judge would levy that type of punishment for what is considered a minor infraction, the option is there, so move your vehicle if you can!

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