I recently attended an event for Albion Fellows Bacon Center, and Author & Life Coach, Susan Hyatt, was the special guest. Susan read a section of her book, BARE, and talked about 'Diet Culture', and how we feel out our bodies. I'll admit, I've never attended an event like this, and I went by myself, so I was out of my comfort zone. This did not stop me from speaking up, when Susan asked if anyone was currently on a diet. I won't go into my awkwardness, when Susan called me to stand next to her, and basically get 'Life-coached' with a live audience! I am on a quest to get healthier, but my reasons for wanting to change, come from someplace deeper. I know that it's ok, as long as I'm making a change with love, and that doesn't deprive me of things that make me happy. It was comforting to know that I'm not the only one that puts things on hold, until I lose a certain amount of weight. Then, she asked what I really want - What do I secretly desire to achieve, that I'm not currently pursuing. My quick answer was to meet celebrities on my bucket list. Clearly, this was a throw-away answer, even though, I do want to meet a whole list of people. I'll let you ponder that question, too.

Susan Hyatt and Liberty
Susan Hyatt and Liberty

Now, let's get to the craft portion of the day - The Vision Board. I went into this thinking, well, I'll cut some things out and make my paper look pretty, so I can prove to myself that I can use a glue stick! But, this simple task made me think deeper than which magazine to clip pictures from. After listening to Susan explain her process for vision boards, I figured just picking a picture of Disney World was not what what she meant. So, I searched for words that remind me of what I want to accomplish:

Liberty's Vision Board
Liberty's Vision Board

Confidence - This is something that I sometimes have to remind myself to have.

Extra - It really is ok to be EXTRA, when it comes to my job.

Healthy - I feel my best, when I'm taking care of myself.

Influencer - This is to remind myself that people are listening to what I say.

Not Average - Most days, I feel average, so this is to remind me that I'm not.

Time to Shine - This is an important & fun time in my career.

Love - A simple reminder to do things with love.

Strong - In mind and to work on a strong body.

FAMILY - My reminder to have work / life balance.

Why Cindy Crawford? I've had an obsession with Cindy, since the 1990's. I have a ton of her magazine covers and articles saved from my youth. She is someone that I looked up to because she is, well gorgeous, but she is also very smart. She was the valedictorian, and has created a solid business side, with skin care, fitness and furniture.

When my husband, Doug, saw the my vision board, he thought it was something that I made when I was younger - Not just because of my juvenile craft attempt - Ha! All of the pictures on it, seemed to represent things that always inspired me. Ready to make your own? Use these tips from Susan Hyatt and see what you come up with!

I cannot say enough good things about the power of creating a vision board, to visually represent the life that you want. (It’s like painting a portrait of your future self — so inspiring!)


Try creating a vision board that contains “action” words swirled into the collage (“Go!” “Move!” “Dance!” “Love!”) to remind yourself that action is everything.

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