Franklin Street Businesses Collecting Donations for Man Burned at Alcoa
Last month a young man named Elliott was critically burned in a workplace accident last month, and now the community is ready to help!
Elliott is 25 years old and was critically burned last month during an accident while working in the aluminum smelter at Alcoa. The injuries he sustained were so severe that he was air lifted to the University of Louisville's Emergency Burn Unit. He's currently still recieving treatment in Louisville, and per his cousin, his condition remains tenuous. So several Franklin Street businesses have stepped up to help.
His cousin April who owns Culinary Innovations by April Boeke posted this update to her business Facebook page, with a list of Franklin Street businesses involved:
Many of you are aware that my cousin Elliott Bailey, was critically burned at Alcoa while working on Sunday, April 28, 2019. His injuries were very severe and he had to be air lifted from Alcoa to the University of Louisville Hospital’s Emergency Burn Unit. He continues to receive excellent care; however, his condition remains tenuous and is certain to be filled with many more battles to come.
Elliott is a hardworking, fun loving young man whom we adore. We have put together some donations boxes and will have them located a various bars and businesses throughout Evansville this weekend. Please pop into these businesses, patronize them and tell them thank you for all the love and support they are showing him!
Above all please continue to pray for him. Thank you very much for your consideration and support!
#ElliottStrong Supporting Businesses!!! LOVE you guys!
Amy's On Franklin
Be Happy Pie Company
Buds Rockin' Bar & Grill
Corner Bar & Grill
Culinary innovations
Fox Pools of Evansville
Franklin St. Pizza Factory
Franklin St. Tavern
Lamasco Bar and Grill
Leroys Tavern
Milk and Sugar Scoop Shoppe
Pistons Bar and Grill
Sportsman's Bar and Grill
Thyme in the Kitchen
***Many more to come!*Thanks Logan's Promise for safe rides home on Saturday
No doubt time off work already can be costly, but also the medical bills that are growing each day are sure to put a strain on any family. So many Franklin Street businesses have teamed up to help lessen that burden. They will have donation buckets out all weekend long. If you'd like to help Elliott and his family, please consider stopping by and making a donation.
If you can't make it out to Franklin Street this weekend, please consider making a donation to Elliott's Go Fund Me page, by clicking here.
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