While the tornado was over a month ago, and you aren't hearing about it in the news as much, for many in Kentucky their lives were massively impacted and they are still working to pick up the pieces.  The Evansville Hoses Hockey Team wants to help those who were directly impacted by the devastating tornado, and on February 19th, they'll be hosting a special benefit game to raise money.

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The Evansville Hoses will take on the St. Louis Backdraft at Swonder Ice Arena in Evansville. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the puck drops at 7:30 PM.  You can buy your tickets for $5 at the door or you can purchase your tickets ahead of time at the Evansville Firefighters Credit Union.

Here's what Evansville Hoses say about the upcoming benefit game:

Saturday, February 19th, the Evansville Hoses Hockey Team will host St. Louis Backdraft for a benefit game at Swonder Ice Arena.

Proceeds will go to the Patrick Rudd Project, who have been working directly with families impacted by the tornado December 10th.

Tickets are now on sale at the Evansville Firefighters Federal Credit Union for $5.00 each for all ages. Tickets may also be purchased at the door on game day.

We would like to give a huge thank you to the Evansville Professional Fire Fighters Local 357as the ice sponsor, and Nisbet Inn "World's Coldest Beer" as the ticket sponsor.

Of course, we can’t forget about all the team sponsors who stay on board with us all year long continuously making sure we have everything we need to operate. MISSION BBQSuperior Team Regent PromotionsDuff Law, LLCBud's Harley-DavidsonMedic On-Site ServicesAdvanced Fire and Rescue 

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