Evansville Consignment Shop Owners View Break-In as a Speed Bump – Seeking Justice
No one likes to see bad things happen to good people, and this recent crime in Evansville is an example of that. Camilla's Closet was vandalized Monday, February 7, 2022, at 1:20 AM. That's an early morning call that no business owner wants to get.
Thanks to a security system and the Evansville Police Department's quick response, the thieves didn't get away with anything of value. They did cause a lot of damage to the store by breaking the front door glass and smashing glass jewelry cases.
Jen and Curt Welte own Camilla's Closet and they run a non-profit animal rescue. They are such good people that they are praying for the people that committed this crime. The couple worked hard to clean up the broken glass so they could open at their regular time this morning.
Thanks to security footage and the fact that they literally left their car in the parking lot, leads me to believe that EPD will track them down. If you have any information call EPD at (812) 436-7896
Camilla's Closet Statement on Facebook
Our family business was robbed tonight. The front door was shattered, and there is glass everywhere. Thank you Evansville Police Department for your swift action. As we review the video footage we are confident justice will be served. If you have any information about this incident please call us or call EPD. We work so hard to provide a living for our family and five children. We employ 28 people here and run a non profit animal rescue charity that serves animals in need. It’s so hard to see such a blatant violation of our property and our hard work. We pray for those involved. We serve a merciful and forgiving God, but it’s so heartbreaking to be a victim of a crime like this.-Jen and Curt
Jen and Curt Give an Update on the Break-In Situation

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10 Ridiculous 911 Calls Shared by Evansville Watch
Well, here we are just a few weeks into 2022 and our local police have been busy. Obviously, most of the calls that come in are serious and nothing to laugh at. Other calls just make you shake your head. Here are ten of those ridiculous calls. Thanks to our friends at EvansvilleWatch for documenting everything in real-time.
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