Celebrating National Radio Day August 20th & Baby, Has It Changed
There can't be anyone that loves music more than I do. Okay, well maybe there's a few more than me. Today, (August 20th) we are celebrating #NationalRadioDay and believe me, radio technology has really changed since my first job playing albums!
I was thrilled to land a job at a small rock station - Starview 92 - situated on a mountain top outside of York, PA while I was still attending York College of PA. We played albums in those days! In between songs, we'd answer phones and read all about the artist information provided on the albums. We used to play "Stairway to Heaven" or "Free Bird" just so we could go to the bathroom! Haha!
Here's a pic of me at the radio "board" at Starview 92!
When I got into this business in 1978, we had to get a Third Class Radio and TV license through the FCC. The nearest FCC license branch was in Washington D.C. So, yes, I had to drive there to take the test and glad I passed it the first time! Some of my friends didn't pass the first time around and had to re-take it. We, then had to display our 3rd class license at the radio station, too.
From those early days of radio until now, I remember playing albums, but, they would skip from being played over and over and over again. Then, we got rid of the vinyl and played music from carts or what resembled an 8-track. Then we ditched those to update to compact discs or CD's. After the CD's, we played our music from the computer. And that's the way it's been ever since! Everything now is on the computer.
Our radio "boards" looked exactly like the picture above. Big round knobs with start and stop buttons on the table. Now we have radio boards that are super nice with slide knobs and everything is digital. Technically, it's much easier today than it was back in the late 70's.
Some things just get better with time! My experiences back in the 70's and '80's were super fun days. The 90's and early 2000's were also fun, too, with hosting the Saturday Night Dance Parties (on another station) and now I've been with Townsquare Media for 10 years this year! I am very blessed and happy to have a job that I love!