Are These the Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Kentucky and Indiana?
I'll tell you a little secret. It's not earth-shattering, and it's hardly a scandalous revelation, but Unsolved Mysteries used to creep me out...but in a good way.
There was nothing like hearing the late Robert Stack's unmistakable pipes describe a scenario for which there had been no solution. Even if the story, in and of itself, wasn't particularly disturbing, he could make it sound that way. And the show got a lot of results, so it was never to be dismissed simply as a good way to kill an hour.
I'm not sure if the following stories ever made it to Stack's desk, but by multiple accounts, they are the biggest unsolved mysteries in the respective histories of their states. Yes, that's arguable, but these incidents still don't come with an explanation.
Look, up in the sky, it's a bird...no wait, it's a plane. No, no, no, it's a...it's a...CHUCK ROAST?!? Forget biblical plagues; who needs toads and locusts? Give me something I can mark off my shopping list. Yes, it's the legendary Kentucky meat shower of 1876.
To this day, there has never been an official explanation for what happened on that March day in Bath County, but hypotheses do abound. Give a scientist a meat shower, and he'll give you a theory...like this one from Joe Walston of the Wildlife Conservation Society:
When vultures get spooked, they have to take off quickly. This proves especially difficult after they’ve just filled up on the decaying flesh of animals. Since meat proves heavy, they vomit to lighten the load. It’s not uncommon for them to do this on the wing, sending rotting flesh raining back down to earth. The samples of meat still available from the event support this theory, although the source of the meat has still yet to be identified.
Speaking of samples, this one is purported to be FROM that famed meat shower:
So yeah, that's pretty gross, but that's not all. Wait until you hear the description from the eyewitness of the sound it made when it landed.
I guess every legend needs an official name that will grab attention. Certainly, the Kentucky Meat Shower of 1876 fits the bill. (Yes, I threw in capital letters, this time). But in my personal opinion, the 28 Fires of Odon packs more of a punch.
At first, you might be thinking "Thor sequel," or, at the very least, an episode of American Horror Story that will invariably fall apart at the end. Actually, the increasingly flawed AHS could USE a good story like the one out of Indiana from 1941 that checks off the necessary boxes--repeated, mysterious fires in the same house and the belief that it was the work of poltergeists. Someone call a good screenwriter and make this happen.
Seriously, though, the Odon IN home owned by William Sackler was plagued by 28 fires that all happened on the same day. Particularly troubling for Sackler--in terms of determining a cause--was that the house had not been wired for electricity. Since the first fire began inside a wall, that's what anyone would think. Another fire started inside a mattress while another, still, seemingly burned up a book from the inside out.
Paranorms.com tells us that certain theories were quickly dismissed:
Officials were baffled and put forward weak “solutions” such as rogue magnetic fields, gasses seeping from an unused well, and pranks by Hackler’s children.
After the house was demolished and a new one was built, it never happened again and remains, yes, a HUGE Indiana unsolved mystery.
As far as I'm concerned, we have our answer regarding the Kentucky meat shower. And the meat sample reportedly saved from the incident kind of backs that up. But the Odon fires are a real stumper. And considering the fact that they never happened again, we'll probably NEVER know why 28 fires plagued one Indiana house in one day's time.
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