Job search became a reality for me when due to stress induced health issues, I opted to change my career path. I'm now, "that person" who is everywhere as I explore to find a home away from home. Job search can be daunting, exasperating and unrewarding.

Online Testing

I recently spent 3 HOURS!!!! completing an online application for a customer service position. There was no warning about the time necessary to complete this application, so I was grateful to be in a position to stick with it. There was the setting up of my profile, then upload my resume (which says the exact same things as said profile). This was followed by the testing part of the application. These tests were filled with a variety of random questions that I feel very strongly had nothing to do with the actual position the company was filling. I can find the "preferred" answers online. They were anything from personality type questions to math pattern questions. What could possibly be learned about anyone from some of these questions?

  • If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
  • True or false, I prefer to work alone and feel aggravated when interrupted
  • Complete this series 7 -14- 21  _______  3721
  • True or false, I understand the fundamentals of being a team player
  • Shoe is to sock as hand is to ____________
  • If a giraffe could drive a tractor, where would you buy a cheese and pickle sandwich?

The real question, should I just tell this thing what it wants to hear or actually apply myself and be myself? One question was, I am often tired at the end of the day? What? Is there a human being on earth who catapults around like the Energizer Bunny and never gets tired? Are we supposed to feel tired when we have worked and applied ourselves?

Some 30 minutes after completing these three tests I was sent an automated email response thanking me for my interest and informing me that due to my test results it was determined I was not a good match for this position. Wow, rejection via computer! I have now reached an all time low where nobody met me, spoke to me or saw my fab job interview outfit and I was tossed aside. Well, that is three hours of my life I'll not get back!

I am an adult, I have marketable skills, a proven employment record and no convictions or bad credit reports, yet the computer has found me digitally unacceptable for a job that is actually about providing friendly service to customers!

Just give the customers a computer and let them provide themselves with service because its clear to me that this process has nothing to do with being a human being.

Job Interview Nightmare

I find an ad in a newspaper for a legal office receptionist. Surely I can be considered for this? Wonder of wonders, I receive a call and schedule an interview. I dress for success and bring a printed copy of my resume. I arrive 20 minutes early and make sure I have the correct address. THE DOOR IS LOCKED, NOBODY IS THERE! I wait in the car like I'm stalking someone and wonder what to do? Call the office, no pertinent information on the machine. Wait. Finally, I see a gentleman and lady in professional dress and they are unlocking the door. I follow them and announce myself and my 2:00 appointment. I am asked to wait and they disappear behind closed doors. 5,4,3,2,1, A huge vocal argument can be heard from behind closed doors, OMG! I determine that the lady had no idea she was being replaced! I got my purse and RAN out of there.  Clearly this is going to be a long and challenging process.

Be prepared people, there is no telling what you may encounter in searching for a job. I wish you luck.

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