Every week The Best Day Ever Evansville sets out to dispel the widespread myth that "Evansville is boring," and it's not difficult.

In the past month, we've laughed with Ccomedians like Judee Brown and Rob Stapleton. We painted masterpieces that compared to Bob Ross. We partied with Afroman, and yes, he sang "Because I Got High."

At least 50 people have said to me, "I didn't know that Afroman was coming to town," to which I reply, "Bookmark thebestdayeverevansville.com, and you'll be in the know!" People tweet at me, "I wish I could live your life!" I tell them, "You CAN! Subscribe to us on YouTube, and see how we have The Best Day Ever in Evansville!"

There are no more excuses. If you think that Evansville is boring... you're doing it wrong.

Check out the Star of our Show; it's Evansville!

And win some FREE STUFF!:


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