
Downtown Evansville Hosting Photography Contest
Downtown Evansville Hosting Photography Contest
Downtown Evansville Hosting Photography Contest
Downtown Evansville is hosting a photography contest called Photograph DTEVV to give photographers, pro and amateur alike, the opportunity to showcase their talents in four categories: People, places, architecture and downtown Evansville skyline.
Get Instant Gratification With These Instant Cameras and Accessories
Get Instant Gratification With These Instant Cameras and Accessories
Get Instant Gratification With These Instant Cameras and Accessories
I used to have a pretty extensive collection of vintage Polaroid cameras and I was heartbroken when they discontinued the film in the early 2000s. Thankfully, Instax and Polaroid filled the missing niche and now we can once again enjoy the joy of instant photography! So here's a list of cameras, film, accessories and more for my fellow instant-camera enthusiasts!