Mark your calendars for a new store downtown, Natures Bud's and Blooms will have a Grand Opening on Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. The store is located at 223 A on St. Ann Street and will specialize in organic children's items. Currently stocked are:

  • Tiny Tush and Kissaluvs cloth diapers
  • 3 Girls Holistic Skin Care
  • Mambino Organics hair and skin care.
  • Teething necklaces from Mama and Little and Baltic Amber for those baby gums
  • Natural wood toys and Flink brand bedding with an onsite nursing room available for feeding your baby!

Come and see the new store as you enjoy live acoustic music, face painting and a few refreshments while you shop. They will be giving away a few door prizes as well!

The store is owned by Audrey Bayles, a local Owensboro couple.

I have a vested interest in the store. Audrey used to babysit my kids. Just one of those people that draw you in with her sweet nature and caring ways. She was such a great sitter and loved kids, especially mine. Even in later years she would call and ask to take them to the park or out for ice cream during spring and summer breaks from school. Now she has babies of her own to spend special days and my own kids are teenagers! In honor of babysitters everywhere and those who simply love children go spend a buck in Audrey's new store and help her achieve her dream right here in Owensboro, Kentucky!

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