In December of 2022, the Evansville Rescue Mission announced plans for an extremely important project to assist the homeless women and children in our community.

The Susan H. Snyder Center for Women and Children

Once the announcement of the center for women and children was made, work began on the blueprints for the design of the property located at 1400 Professional Blvd. The design by LA+D is crucial for the services that will be available.

Photo: LA+D erm safe and sound
Photo: LA+D erm safe and sound

This huge undertaking is going to be life-changing for moms who not only need a safe space but also need help figuring out what comes next. The 42,492-square-foot facility will be a secure, beautiful, one-of-a-kind facility for up to 120 women and children.

Official Grand Opening Date Set

When President / CEO Tracy Gorman shared the news of this amazing project with us, he was hoping for an opening date in March of 2025. It appears that everything is on track to be completed in March of 2025! March 13, 2025, to be exact.

If you would like to know more about the Susan H. Snyder Center for Women and Children go to: SafeAndSound.Today

Photo: LA+D erm safe and sound
Photo: LA+D erm safe and sound
“Perhaps the most exciting aspect of this project involves programming opportunities. Services we currently offer to men at our Men’s Residence Center will be modified, supplemented, and bolstered to cater to the unique needs that homeless women and children face. We know, however, that we will not be able to accomplish this task alone and are excited for the prospect of working collaboratively with others in our community: ministries, churches, government agencies, and other service providers. We envision leaning on one another for the benefit of the women and children who will reside at the CWC to help them learn the life skills necessary to not only survive but to thrive as members of our community.”

President / CEO Tracy Gorman

Read More: Evansville Rescue Mission Center for Homeless Women & Children

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Gallery Credit: Liberty

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Then & Now - Evansville's Washington Square Mall Through the Years

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Gallery Credit: Liberty

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