The Insane Inflatable 5K is coming soon, and if you're like us, you're probably wondering what you should wear to the most insane 5K of your life! You can dress as normal or as insane as you like, but since it is the Insane Inflatable 5K, we think the more insane the better!

Pick a Color

Everything in life is better when shared with a friend... or 5! So why not make getting dressed a group affair?! Just pick a team color, and have everyone get a tee or tank in that color. Want to go a step further? You could always have custom shirts printed!

Photo: Townsquare Media


TuTus For Everybody

Why not get a little crazy and a little colorful? Wear a tutu! If you don't want to buy one, they are incredibly easy (and cheap!) to make yourself with a quick trip to the craft store, a few yards of tulle, and a piece of elastic or ribbon.

Photo: Townsquare Media


Costume Craze

Whether it's just you or a group of your friends, you could always just recycle last year's Halloween costume! Costumes make great outfits for the Insane Inflatable 5K. They add a lot of visual interest!

Photo: Townsquare Media


Everyone Needs a Hero

Speaking of costumes... is there anything better to get you through the most insane 5K of your life, than to be a superhero? It's a bird... it's a plane... it's an Insane Inflatable 5K participant!

Photo: Townsquare Media


The Insane Inflatable 5K will take place June 27th and 28th at the Vanderburgh 4-H Fairgrounds. Registration is underway now!

Vanderburgh 4-H Farigrounds


The Insane Inflatable 5K is coming to your neck of the woods! Get ready to experience the most fun, wild and insane obstacle run in the world. Get “pumped up” for a course filled with the world’s largest and most extreme inflatable obstacles ever created. Here’s your chance to be a kid at heart, and insane by choice!


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