Walmart and Sam’s Club to Require Customers Wear Masks in Stores
Regardless if you need to run into Walmart real quick to grab one or two things, or you're stopping by for your weekly groceries, if you don't have a mask, or some sort of material covering your face, you're not getting anything until you do.
The retailer announced through a press release on their website Wednesday morning (July 15th, 2020) that customers will be required to wear a face covering when entering any of the 5,000 Walmart and Sam's Club locations nationwide beginning Monday, July 20th (2020).
The press release notes that "about 65 percent" of the cities and towns they operate in already have mask requirements in place by their local governments. That of course includes Evansville, who's mask ordinance from Mayor Lloyd Winnecke went into effect today.
The company also announced that all locations will operate with a single entrance and exit, and will have a "Health Ambassador" at those entrances to try and make the process as smooth as possible for customers, as well as work to create solutions for those customers who arrive at the store without a mask. The Ambassador's will be differentiated from other employees by wearing a black polo shirt and will be trained between now and the start of the mandate to "help reduce friction" for shoppers who have conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask.
The process at all Sam's Club's will be the same with the exception that members who arrive at the store without a mask will have the choice of using a disposable mask provided by their Club, or purchasing one sold at the location.
Walmart cites the surge in both the number of positive COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the country as the reason behind the decision.
You can read their full statement on their corporate website.
[Source: Corporate.Walmart.com]

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