UPDATE – How to Win a Walther’s Golf & Fun Party Package
To show our appreciation to youfor downloading the MY105.3 app, we're giving you a chance win a sweet Pearl Party package from Walther's Golf & Fun. Let me be clear in saying that the only way you'll know how and when to play is if you have the our app. But if you don't have our app, it's all good, you still have time to download it and play.

We've had to modify the way we will get a qualifier today. At 4:45 P.M. we will send a notification with a trivia question. Simply send us an App Chat with your answer. Bobby & Liberty will select the final qualifier from all of the correct answers. Then, they will call the grand prize winner.
The Pearl Party is good for up to 8 people and includes your choice of a free round of mini golf or a free round of lazer tag, plus free pizza and games for each party goer. It's a $160 value and it's a great way to kill a couple hours and wear your kids out!
Now that you have the app, you're ready to play the Happy Hour - Appy Gilmore Song of the Day. Go ahead and enable 'Exclusive' notifications, that's crucial. Each day this week, around 4:45pm, we'll send out a notification telling you which song to listen for during the 5pm Happy Hour with Ross. When Ross plays that song, that will be your cue to call 812-421-1117. Caller #5 will win a MY105.3 prize package and will be qualified to win the Walther's party.
The Pearl Party is good for up to 8 people and includes your choice of a free round of mini golf or a free round of lazer tag, plus free pizza and games for each party goer. It's a $160 value and it's a great way to kill a couple hours and wear your kids out!

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