
Four Best Selling Stand Mixers on Amazon
Four Best Selling Stand Mixers on Amazon
Four Best Selling Stand Mixers on Amazon
I love having a stand mixer in my kitchen. It's great because it makes you feel fancy and it also is perfect for making cookies or bread or cakes! It has way more versatility than your standard hand mixer (though there's certainly something to be said for how easy it is to whip out your hand mixer for cookies or some banana bread. But when you need to mix a cake on medium for a solid eight minutes, standing there with a hand mixer might as well be torture. Maybe that's just me. Anyways, I've put together a short list of best-selling stand mixers with amazing reviews!
Spookiest Halloween Decorations on Amazon
Spookiest Halloween Decorations on Amazon
Spookiest Halloween Decorations on Amazon
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: spooky season! Jack-O-Lanterns, candy corn, black cats, vampire bats, skeletons, ghosts and witches oh my! There are so many options for Halloween decorations, it can be downright scary. Whether you’re throwing a Halloween-themed party or want to decorate your yard to delight trick-or-treaters, there are a lot of different options to choose from. But don't worry: I've put together this list of the spookiest Halloween decorations on Amazon, so check it out!
Back to School Prep: School Supply KIts
Back to School Prep: School Supply KIts
Back to School Prep: School Supply KIts
There's truly something about the ease of getting everything you need for the new semester in one discounted swoop. Whether it's a new backpack, pens, notebooks or art supplies, I've put together a few options for back-to-school supply bundles to make getting your kids ready to go back to school this fall a breeze!
Top-Rated Baby Teething Supplies
Top-Rated Baby Teething Supplies
Top-Rated Baby Teething Supplies
I don't personally remember growing my first set of teeth but I can't imagine it feels very good. You can't communicate very well, you can't reach anything and your whole mouth hurts. Sounds like a bad time. So here's a nice list of baby teething toys and medicines to help you and your baby get through this trying time.
Best Selling Tea Kettles
Best Selling Tea Kettles
Best Selling Tea Kettles
I know we're at the beginning of summer so maybe a hot cup of tea doesn't really sound that appealing, but I love tea kettles! They're cute, they're functional, there are different styles and types. You can stick to the classic kettle that whistles and sits on your stovetop, or try the electric kettle which typically has multiple settings for different types of teas or the beautiful and mysterious glass teapot for making herbal teas! Either way, I've got a list of some of Amazon's best selling kettles for you!
6 Handbags For The Holidays
6 Handbags For The Holidays
6 Handbags For The Holidays
A new handbag for yourself or a loved one is the perfect gift! Everyone has stuff and these are beautiful, fancy stuff-holders! I've chosen mostly designer bags with mid-tier price tags so you'll end up with a bag that's well-made, lasts and won't break the bank! Let's get started!
Solar-Powered Decor to Deck Out Your Deck
Solar-Powered Decor to Deck Out Your Deck
Solar-Powered Decor to Deck Out Your Deck
Solar-powered decor is perfect for those looking for low-effort and inexpensive solutions for decorating and lighting your deck, porch or yard! Set it and forget it while simultaneously saving some extra cash on your electricity bill. It's a win-win! Here's a list of cute solar-powered decor to "deck out your deck" for the summer!