When it comes to New Madrid Fault earthquakes, I think I've now seen it all. There was just a tremor that shook a neighborhood in O'Fallon, Illinois Saturday morning.
I've followed earthquakes for decades and cannot remember hardly any earthquakes striking this part of Illinois. It was a jolt that was strong enough to be felt by hundreds and has been confirmed by the USGS.
As of this writing, there is no way I'm aware of that you can predict an earthquake. Perhaps I'm mistaken though as there's a report that the 3.6 magnitude earthquake in north-central Illinois was predicted by shelter dogs. Woof.
I've learned over the years that some of the weirdest events have a reason for happening if you're willing to dig deep enough to figure out why. That's true for a series of recent earthquakes in Illinois that seemed to happen in unexpected places. There's a USGS map which shows it's not weird at all.