Hypothermic Bald Eagle Recovering at Indiana Wildlife RescueHypothermic Bald Eagle Recovering at Indiana Wildlife RescueOne Indiana wildlife rescue has taken another bald eagle into their care.Kat MykalsKat Mykals
Conservation Officers Offer Reward After Bald Eagle Shot in Southern IndianaConservation Officers Offer Reward After Bald Eagle Shot in Southern IndianaA reward has been offered after Indiana conservation officers say a bald eagle was shot and killed in Dubois County, just outside of Jasper.Kat MykalsKat Mykals
Southern Indiana Man Photographs Majestic Convocation of EaglesSouthern Indiana Man Photographs Majestic Convocation of EaglesSee the amazing photos of twenty bald eagles in Gibson County.LibertyLiberty
Update on the Bald Eagle Rescued in McLean CountyUpdate on the Bald Eagle Rescued in McLean CountyAn update on the bald eagle rescued a couple of months ago in McLean County, Kentucky. Chadwick BenefieldChadwick Benefield
The Eagle Has Landed...Actually Two of Them!The Eagle Has Landed...Actually Two of Them!Apollo High School put in a brand new football stadium this year and apparently word has gotten around. Duane Richeson of Owensboro spotted two bald eagles visiting the grounds this morning.Angel WelshAngel Welsh