How to Sponsor Wreaths That Will Adorn the Graves of Indiana Soldiers
The effort to provide Wreaths Across America has begun, and when you learn how easy and inexpensive it is to sponsor a wreath (or wreaths), you're going to wonder why you've never done it before.
What is Wreaths Across America?
The mission of the National Wreaths Across America program is to "Remember, Honor and Teach by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 2,500 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad." In order to make this mission a reality, they rely on people like you and me to sponsor (purchase) these wreaths, and now is the time to do it.
How Much Does a Wreath Cost?
As I mentioned before, it is surprisingly affordable by just about anyone's standards, to purchase a wreath - in fact, when you see how much it costs, I imagine you will want to purchase more than just one. The cost for one wreath is just $15. Did you know they were that affordable? I didn't. Have you ever sponsored a wreath before? Maybe this is the year to do it.
Each wreath is hand-crafted of all-American balsam and hand-tied with a red velvet bow. The wreaths are sent to participating locations around the country, where a volunteer will place them on the marker of a fallen hero. Wreath-laying ceremonies are scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 18th.
There are several participating locations in and around the Evansville area...
- Alexander Memorial Park Cemetery, located at 2200 Mesker Park Drive in Evansville
- Locust Hill Cemetery & Arboretum, located at 3800 Kratzville Road in Evansville
- Oak Hill Cemetery and Arboretum, located at 1400 E Virginia Street in Evansville
- Rose Hill Cemetery Association, Inc., located at 5133 State Rd 261
in Newburgh - Fernwood Cemetery, located at 920 Madison Street in Henderson, KY