Mask Makers: Evansville Rescue Mission in Need of 250 Face Masks
Many of the homeless guests at your Evansville Rescue Mission find themselves in the “at risk” categories due to chronic health issues. Evansville Rescue Mission President / CEO, Tracy Gorman, would love to be able to offer a face mask to their residents (and to the staff who are caring for them) who want one. They need around 250 face masks.
About ERM:
Evansville Rescue Mission
500 East Walnut Street
Evansville, IN 47713
Phone: 812.421.3800
Fax: 812.421.3809
With a capacity of 222 beds (not including cots and mattresses), your Evansville Rescue Mission’s Residence Center is the Tri-State’s oldest and largest service provider for homeless men but offers emergency services for the general public, as well.
No matter the circumstance, your Evansville Rescue Mission opens its doors daily with a help desk open 24/7 to provide for the basic needs of the Tri-State’s less fortunate.For an in-depth look into the Residence Center’s shelter policy and procedures, please refer to our ERM Guest Welcome Booklet.