Kentucky Kingdom Institutes ‘Chaperone Policy’
I enjoyed my childhood immensely. But when I think back to it, it occurs to me that it was on the infrequent, if not RARE, occasion that I did the kinds of things kids today seem to do all the time.
For example, when I was young, I only saw three animated Disney features at the movie theater--The Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, and 101 Dalmatians. (Dalmations was the best.)
Also, we didn't go to theme parks nearly as often as everyone does today. Of course, to be fair, there weren't as many.
But when we did--like, at Opryland or Six Flags--us kids would take off on our own with the promise that we'd meet back up with the parents or chaperones (in the case of church trips) at a certain time. No mobile phones back then.

Back in 1978 (example year), that's just what we did. There was no policy stating we HAD to have an adult to get into a given theme park. That's just how it always worked out. Mom and Dad or church leaders were always present. Well now it's 2021 and Kentucky Kingdom (which I have never visited, oddly enough) HAS instituted a "chaperone policy."
Beginning May 22nd, park guests 15 years of age and younger will need to be accompanied by a parent or adult chaperone. Enforcement will begin at the entrance with a request to show proof of age. If a patron does not have such identification as is not accompanied by an adult, that patron will not be permitted to enter.
The chaperone in question must be at least 21 years of age and must also provide I.D.
A complete list of the new policy's requirements can be found at KentuckyKingdom.com.
I love writing about theme parks because that's means summer is right around the corner and I am ready.
See More: Holiday World & Splashin' Safari Memories
[SOURCE: WDRB-Louisville]
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