Girl Scout from Kentucky Wants to Sell 2000 Boxes of Cookies
In 2022, Ellie Wall set a goal of selling 1200 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. For 2023, she could have rested on her laurels and repeat customers and chosen to aim for a small percentage increase. But no! This young lady was determined to crush that record like I can a crush a Samoa with my teeth. Ellie's 2023 goal? An astounding 2000 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.
Being a Girl Scout is something Ellie knows well. In fact, she's a six-year veteran of the organization. She joined the Girl Scouts when she was just 5-years-old. Ellie's 11 now, is in the 5th Grade at East View Elementary and a proud member of Troop 1798.
That troop is comprised of a bunch of cookie-selling machines.
So far in the 2023 season, these young ladies and leaders have joined forces to sell 5700 boxes. The troop divides their profits three ways: 1/3 for future needs/expenses, 1/3 to a nonprofit of the group's choice (this year- the animal shelter and a foster children agency are getting donations) , and 1/3 for various troop activities. In 2022, they used some of their cookie proceeds for a troop trip to Holiday World and supplies to repaint a sign for a local volunteer fire department.
This we know. Troop 1798's making a bunch of money this year and they're still selling. That current total of 5700 boxes is still going up. And so is Ellie's total. Pardon the pun. She's not just being a Tagalong. She's been Adventureful and Toffee-tastic!
There's no doubt that Ellie's leading the charge for her troop. Already this year, she has surpassed last year's sales. She's currently sitting at approximately 1250 boxes- about 750 away from her massive 2023 goal.
And here's the thing! Girl Scouts earn rewards and prizes for reaching certain levels. When she crossed the 1000 box mark, Ellie earned herself a Fitbit watch (or something close to it). If she achieves that 2000 box mark, she's going to earn a camping trip for and with her troop!
So, how did she do it? Well, it certainly helps that her mom April is am ICU Nurse at Owensboro Health. Her coworkers love Girl Scout Cookies. Ellie, boosted by some encouragement from Cindy Heep (from Owensboro Cabinet Outlet) is now focusing her efforts on table sales and encouraging people to order through her online cookie store.
In case you're interested in ordering some more Girl Scout Cookies and helping Ellie get to her astounding goal, here's what you have to choose from.
If you'd like to place your order, Do-si-do on over and CLICK HERE! But hurry. The deadline to order is Thursday, April 27th.
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