Of the zoos that I have visited--and there haven't been very many, to be honest--the Louisville Zoo is, far and away, my second favorite.

Now wait, don't scold me. I've visited the San Diego Zoo, and, well, nothing compares. It just doesn't. It's the sixth-largest zoo in the world and the second-biggest in the United States. By sheer volume, it eclipses just about every other one.

I love going and look forward to the next time. It's been a while since my last visit, but it was a memorable one. I had a hankering to view apes, so off we went to the Louisville Zoo, and the primate enclosure did not disappoint. Neither did that restless (and magnificent) Siberian tiger.

Dave Spencer/Townsquare Media
Dave Spencer/Townsquare Media

The next time I go, I'll need to save some megabytes for the Louisville Zoo's newest additions, Dharuk and Telowie. They are koalas that will be arriving from the San Diego Zoo, which isn't out of the equation after all. Naturally, the Louisville Zoo couldn't be more excited.

The future denizens of the Australia Zone were acquired as part of an agreement with the Australian government. There's no word yet on when Dharuk and Telowie will be in their new home, but once they are their, it will be an indefinite stay.


Since it's summertime, the Louisville Zoo will load up on special events--including Wild Lights on June 16th. So bookmark the website and get ready to welcome two amazing koalas to the Louisville Zoo family.

[SOURCE: WLKY-Louisville]

Why do giraffes have long necks? Answers to 25 animal evolution questions:

Stacker curated a list of 25 animal evolution questions and answers to explain some scientific mysteries, from why giraffes have such long necks to how ants can carry 50 times their body weight. 

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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