Tracy Mayes spent most of her professional life working on a school bus. However, after recently being assaulted on the job, she resigned- after twenty-two years as a monitor. Tracy then spent a couple of months trying to figure out her next step.  There's no doubt, it was an unexpected life change. In her words, "I wasn't ready to give up. I needed to do something."

She found that answer in the clouds. Or, I should say, she found the answer in clouds of cotton candy. Tracy had been exclusively baking for a set of local twins who were born with a rare genetic disease that prohibits them from consuming artificial dyes such as Red 40, Blue 1, etc. Tracy was attempting to bake an aviation-themed cake and decided that white cotton candy would be perfect for the clouds on the cake. She searched, but couldn't find plain white cotton candy.

So, she decided to make it. Those early attempts inspired the creation of Momma T's Sweet Treats & More, which is now home to seemingly infinite flavors of cotton candy that are all-natural and dye-free. Tracy says, "We only use organic, raw sugar and all of our flavors are natural as well."

About those flavors! I mentioned there are a bunch of them. Check this out!

Tracy Mayes
Tracy Mayes
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On Sunday afternoon, Momma T's set up shop at Reid's Orchard annual Strawberry Bliss Market Day. There, cotton candy fans (and folks who had never tried Tracy's adventurous flavor offerings before) got to choose from some incredibly delicious concoctions.

Chad Benefield/WBKR
Chad Benefield/WBKR

By the way, I snagged a canister of Mango Tajin, which has a spicy kick to it. My friend Karla bought a canister of Marshmallow cotton candy. She was going to take it home and pour a Sprite over it.

Tracy named her new business Momma T's because she got that nickname at an area amusement park. She says, "When I worked at Holiday World, many of my coworkers were much younger. The always called me 'Momma Tracy' and told me I needed to open my business selling all the goodies I baked and brought to them." So, Momma T's Sweet Treats & More was born and has now morphed into a side business called Momma T's Cotton Candy Chaos.

Chad Benefield/WBKR
Chad Benefield/WBKR

Tracy adds, "Whose life isn't full of chaos? We just choose to make it sweet chaos."

This summer, you'll find Momma T's at a variety of festivals and market days throughout western Kentucky, the Owensboro Regional Farmers' Market and at Friday After 5.

You can also place orders by calling 270-314-7460 or you can check out Momma T's Facebook page.

Gallery — Every Movie Theater Candy, Ranked:

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