Anthony Bourdain's is a sad story, but I also don't think it's right to dwell on the sadness, hard as that might be to do.

Anthony Bourdain

As host of CNN's Parts Unknown, Bourdain took us all on a wonderful culinary journey around the world and introduced us to some of the most exotic cuisine imaginable. Unafraid, he sampled and usually enjoyed everything his hosts would prepare.

In 2018, Bourdain broke bread with Anderson Cooper and explained that his trip to Hong Kong was the highlight of his career, which is saying something, no doubt.

A week to the day after that interview posted, the awful news broke that Anthony Bourdain had taken his own life while on a trip to Germany. To say that we were all gobsmacked would be an understatement. I watched many episodes of Parts Unknown, and it wouldn't have ever occurred to me he was in such a deep depressive state. But who really does know what's going on behind walls that so many put up to keep wandering eyes and minds at bay? Again, his story makes me very sad, but he brought us all so much joy and wonder through his travels.

The Anthony Bourdain Mural

Earlier this week, a mural paying tribute to the late author, chef, and world traveler was unveiled in Marion IL:

In case you're wondering, Bourdain was a native New Yorker, and folks in the comment section are curious as to why he now has this tribute in downtown Marion. However, the explanation is simple...the mural is there as "a testament to Bourdain’s legacy as a storyteller and adventurer who brought cultures together through food." That's good enough for me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: If you or someone you know has been experiencing thoughts of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255).

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Gallery Credit: Sandi Hemmerlein

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