Most of the time when I write about abandoned properties, they feature a disclaimer about proceeding with caution (naturally) and avoiding legal issues by making sure you have permission.

Well, while the first part remains unchanged, there's good news with respect to that second part regarding an old, abandoned amusement park in Indiana. It's now part of Charlestown State Park, and the "door" is open and awaiting your arrival, and I can't tell you how loudly this speaks to me.

Abandoned Indiana Amusement Park Is There for the Hiking

I don't know who else feels this way, but I have a great interest in empty or abandoned amusement parks or theme parks because of how creepy they are. Certainly, those that haven't seen a visitor in decades--or longer--meet that criterion. But so do those that are merely closed during the off-season. Holiday World is one that comes to mind. I've always wanted to walk through it when it's closed, but I know I can't.

But Rose Island Amusement Park is another story. Located within Charlestown State Park, it's part of your hiking experience if you can handle the degree of difficulty the trail presents. But, man, it sure looks like it's worth the effort.

Rose Island Amusement Park: A Little History

In its heyday, the amusement park on the Rose Island peninsula on the Ohio River was a thriving attraction. Guests would come for day trips, they'd stay in a hotel or one of the summer cottages. Times were good in Charlestown in the Roaring Twenties. But then the "roar" stopped, silenced by the catastrophic 1937 flood. The damage was irreversible and the park closed and was left abandoned.

Most abandoned parks that still stand are off limits to passersby, but not Rose Island. It's an opportunity that's hard to come by, so I would seize it if I were you.

LOOK: See Inside Abandoned Southern Indiana School

Take a look inside the 111-year-old Princeton, Indiana building that was once home to a high school. It was later used for middle school

Gallery Credit: Liberty

Inside Abandoned Illinois Video Store Full of 1000's of VHS Tapes

Gallery Credit: Dark Exploration Films via YouTube

Inside an Abandoned Connecticut Children's Museum

Take a look inside the old West Hartford, CT, children's museum. These images come from a video that can be found here.

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