Illinois is currently experiencing a significant surge in norovirus cases, prompting health officials to issue warnings about this highly contagious virus.

What Is Norovirus?

I think it's safe to say that many Illinoisans had their Christmas or New Year's plans ruined by sickness this year, my family included. While my husband and I, along with our kids, managed to stay healthy over the holiday season (which is a huge shock), several of my extended family members did not, and it's all thanks to the nasty norovirus.


If you or someone you know fell victim to a nasty stomach bug that stuck around for days instead of just hours, it was likely norovirus.

Just like the stomach flu, norovirus causes vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, fever, headache, and body aches, but it is not actually related to influenza, it's a mean virus that effects your digestive tract and typically sticks around longer that the flu.


Illness Outbreaks in Illinois

If norovirus doesn't sound bad enough for you, beware, it isn't the only illness running rampant in Illinois right now. I've seen many healthcare friends share the same message on Facebook lately that says in part;


Everyone is sick right now so stay out of folks faces.
RSV, Mycoplasma pneumonia, Flu A & B are going around. We’re seeing so many people at urgent care, daily. it’s so bad this year .
Treat symptomatically, these are all viruses, that can last UP TO 2-3weeks, especially that walking pneumonia, you can have a cough for months after. There’s no antibiotic treatment.

Basically, the message is this; ER's are full. Urgent Cares are full. Your doctor doesn't have a magic pill to make you better if you have the flu or a norovirus.

If your symptoms can be managed at home with Tylenol, Motrin, Mucinex, etc., STAY HOME, take the medicine, and leave some room in Urgent Cares and ER's for the people that need them.

Here are some important messages from local hospitals to help you avoid falling victim to a nasty illness in the weeks ahead...Good luck!



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