Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel has earned its place among America’s most haunted spots, with a dark history of tragic deaths and eerie hauntings that send guests running into the streets. From shadowy figures lurking in the hallways to sealed-off rooms hiding unspeakable secrets, this isn’t your average downtown hotel stay.

One of America’s Most Haunted Hotels: Chicago’s Congress Plaza

Dozens of murders, suicides, and mysterious deaths have given Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel a reputation as one of America’s most haunted. Guests sometimes flee into the streets, claiming strange encounters in their rooms or hallways, making it Chicago’s infamous "Hotel of Horrors."

The Haunted Congress Plaza Hotel

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The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Facebook
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Located downtown with an iconic view from Lake Michigan, this hotel may be legendary for more than just its architecture. Numerous people, from celebrities to hotel staff, report chilling experiences within its walls.

In 2014, celebrity chef Pete Evans fled in the middle of the night, begging a cab driver to take him elsewhere.

Two Marines once ran out of the hotel at 3:00 a.m. after a terrifying encounter with a black figure emerging from their closet.

Staff have also reported eerie sightings, including shadowy figures, ghostly hands reaching out from walls, strange noises, and objects moving by themselves.

Tragic Stories and Unexplained Deaths

The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Facebook/Canva
The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Facebook/Canva

Since opening in 1893, the hotel has seen many deaths. In 1900, a Spanish-American War vet, Captain Lou Ostheim, took his life with a gun he’d purchased on his wedding day.

But the most heartbreaking story is that of Adele Langer. During WWII, she stayed at the hotel with her two young sons, awaiting her husband’s arrival. Overwhelmed by the fear of deportation, she suffered a breakdown.

Tragically, on the same day she learned her family had been granted refuge, Adele threw her children from a window on the 12th floor before jumping herself. Her husband reportedly considered suicide after learning of their deaths.

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The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Facebook

The Spookiest Rooms and Floors

The hotel’s hauntings have led to the closure of some rooms, with chains barring entry. Room 441 is infamous for reports of eerie events, though no deaths occurred there.

The 12th floor, where Adele’s tragic story unfolded, is especially known for hauntings. Some believe her son Karel’s spirit roams the halls, chasing guests. Staff avoids discussing certain rooms, only saying they’re “too horrible” to enter.

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The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Facebook

The Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center Facebook

This notorious hotel even inspired Stephen King’s story and film 1408, about a hotel room plagued by suicides. But the real-life hauntings at the Congress Plaza Hotel prove even scarier.

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Gallery Credit: Ann Lyon, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chicago

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