Every year on Thanksgiving, we gather around the same table, make the same food, and end up with the same leftovers. It's time to ditch the subpar traditional dishes.

There are two types of people in this world. The first finds something they love and sticks to it without ever trying anything else. The second person, on the other hand, never does the same thing twice. Personally, I find myself leaning more toward the second category, as I'm someone who tends to get bored fairly easily. I've become more comfortable with trying new things in recent years, and it's safe to say I've broken the "If it’s not broke, don’t fix it" mentality.

Are Thanksgiving Day Traditions Worth Keeping if They're Terrible?

As you likely already know, Thanksgiving Day is about giving thanks and recognizing the blessings we've received throughout the year—a sentiment I'm wholeheartedly on board with. But I think it's time we take a hard look at this tradition and how we spend it. No one should feel pressured to visit people they have no interest in seeing. It's time for change, and I think the best way to do that is by starting with something simple: the menu.

It's Time to Review and Revise the Thanksgiving Day Menu

Just as you can pick and choose who you spend Thanksgiving with, you can also choose what food items you'd like to have at your table. Many times, I see dishes on the table that no one actually likes, but are simply made out of tradition. Now, don't get me wrong, some of those foods are pretty tasty and are a welcome addition to my Thanksgiving Day plate. However, there are others that it's time to send packing.

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Outdated Thanksgiving Dishes Indiana Needs to Retire

When it comes to Thanksgiving, some traditional foods are certainly much better than others. Here are 10 classics that should be scratched off the menu this year.

Gallery Credit: Jake Foster

12 Foods That Don't Belong in Your Refrigerator

Refrigerators are a great convenience, keeping food fresh and beer cold. However, these 12 foods don’t belong in cold storage.

Gallery Credit: Jake Foster

Top Reasons Why Grilling in the Fall Is Simply Better

Fall is the perfect season for grilling, offering cooler temperatures and a variety of delicious seasonal ingredients to enhance your outdoor cooking experience.

Gallery Credit: Jake Foster

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