Tennessee now ranks among the top 10 states with the lowest IQ scores, but what factors actually lead to this placement?

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Never in my life have I taken an IQ test. I took the SAT twice my senior year of high school before entering college, and I remember doing much better the second time around. That said, I was far from getting a perfect score and have since decided to avoid any measurable intelligence tests so as not to damage my already wavering self-esteem. Luckily, I'm fortunate enough to live in a state with mostly average IQ scores. Tennessee, on the other hand, is a different story.

What Does 'IQ' Stand For?

According to Data Pandas, the Human Intelligence Quotient, or IQ, has long been a measure of cognitive capabilities, with scores offering insights into both individuals and larger populations. By analyzing public data from IQ tests, SAT and ACT scores, along with educational attainment levels, Data Pandas has calculated the average IQ by state. For context, a good IQ score is between 90 and 110, with anything over 110 considered "above average" and anything below 90 considered "below average."

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Exactly How Low Is the Average IQ Score in Tennessee?


According to Data Pandas, Tennessee has the 9th lowest IQ score in the entire U.S., with an average score of 99.4. On a positive note, this is still well within the adequate category. Mississippi, however, edges closer to the line, clocking in with an average IQ score of 94.2, making it the state with the lowest average IQ. Massachusetts has the highest at 104.3. It’s renowned for its educational institutions, like Harvard, which may contribute to the elevated scores.

Data Pandas cited racial, educational, and economic disparities as factors leading to the state variations. However, it’s worth noting that states with self-proclaimed "higher quality of life" attributes, like California and Hawaii, rank among the states with the lowest average IQs at No. 3 and No. 4, respectively. Either way, I still won't be taking any of these tests anytime soon.

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