Today I bring you the Roast of Evansville from Chat GPT.

I love a good roast. I've seen all of the Comedy Central Roasts, and more recently the Roast of Tom Brady on Netflix. Something about poking fun at someone, knowing that it's nothing personal is my kind of humor. Maybe it's because every time my friends and I get together, we always roast each other.

For those who don't know what a roast is, I'm not referring to the type of roast that you eat at dinner. A roast is a form of comedy where a specific individual is subjected to jokes at their expense. While the majority of the roast is insult comedy, such events may also involve genuine praise and tributes. So, the roastee has to have a good sense of humor and take the jokes not as a serious criticism or insult.

I have been saying that for my 40th birthday (which is still a while away) I don't want a birthday party, I want a birthday roast. I think that a roast would be a great way to celebrate turning 40. I can take a joke, and dish them out too. So, since roasts are kind of my thing, I thought it would be funny to see what a roast of the city of Evansville, Indiana would look like.

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The Roast of Evansville, Indiana

If you are from the Evansville area, you know that the material writes itself. There are so many different things that one could roast Evansville about. A few examples include the constant road construction, the weather, heck even Jimtown could be a funny topic. The jokes are endless, and I am sure that we all can come up with a few for Evansville.

Ryan O'Bryan
Ryan O'Bryan

Recently, there has been a trend on Instagram and TikTok where folks ask Chat GPT to roast them. So I figured it would be fun to see what Chat GPT has to say about Evansville in the form of a roast. To my surprise, Chat GPT did not disappoint. I present to you, Chat GPT's Roast of Evansville:

Evansville, Indiana, where the city slogan should be “At Least We’re Not Gary!” Nestled along the Ohio River, Evansville is a place where the local excitement peaks at a new fast-food joint opening. It’s a city that’s so proud of its cornfields, they practically put them on the tourist map. The downtown looks like it’s stuck in a time warp from the 1980s, but hey, at least they finally discovered craft beer…in 2023.

Evansville’s idea of a wild night out is a trip to the casino, which is the closest you’ll get to seeing bright lights and feeling a rush of adrenaline. If you’re into potholes, you’ll love the city’s roads—it’s like driving on a lunar surface. And don’t get me started on the weather: it’s like Mother Nature can’t decide between swamp or sauna.

But, to give credit where it’s due, Evansville does have some good things going for it—like the fact that it’s just a few hours away from cities people actually want to visit!

Tell me this isn't spot on for a good family-friendly roast. I'm sure if I asked it not to keep it PG, it would have been much worse! Just for fun, I hit the regenerate button and here's another roast of Evansville from Chat GPT:

Evansville, Indiana—a city where the local cuisine is so deep-fried you’ll wonder if even the air is breaded. It’s the kind of place where “cultural event” means the county fair and a new strip mall opening is front-page news. The skyline could be mistaken for a flatline, and the only thing slower than the traffic is the Wi-Fi. Evansville’s idea of excitement? Watching the Ohio River slowly erode what’s left of the riverfront. It's a city where dreams go to take a long nap—likely on a recliner in a living room filled with “vintage” decor that hasn’t changed since the '70s.

Two very good roasts, if I say so myself. Is there anything that AI can't do?!

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Gallery Credit: Liberty

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Gallery Credit: Liberty

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