I realize that summer "officially" begins on June 21, 2023, but as far as I'm concerned, once school is out, summer has arrived. Some of your summer plans might be dependent on the weather, and hopefully, the information below will give you an idea of what to expect over the next few months.

What in the World is El Niño?

We've all seen and heard the term "El Niño" being used in regard to the weather, but I'm man enough to admit that I don't know what that means. Thanks to three years of high school Spanish, I know that "El Niño" translates to "the boy" in English, but does it mean about the weather? Here's what The Weather Channel says - it's one of the simplest explanations I have found...

El Niño is an oceanic warming and atmospheric response to that warming which frequently causes months- to years-long changes in temperature and precipitation around the world.

The experts say that we are almost guaranteed to experience an "El Nino" this summer. For several portions of the country, that means a cooler summer, with below-average temperatures. That's great for those parts of the country, but what are the experts saying about Indiana and the Tri-State?

Indiana's Summer Weather Outlook


If meteorologists are correct with their predictions, then Summer 2023 looks like it's going to be, for the most part, average. Sure, it's going to get really hot from time to time, but overall it seems very manageable. Check out the maps below to see a month-by-month look at the country.

June Outlook


Keep in mind that I live in Evansville, Indiana, so I'm really only concerned about the very southern tip of the state, and it looks like June is gonna be pretty nice. I think I see a little tiny bit of blue (which means near-average temps).

July Outlook


The blue moves from Evansville and covers a majority of Indiana in July. Down here in the Tri-State, we're looking at average temperatures during July. I can handle that.

August Outlook


August has traditionally been really hot here in Southern Indiana, but this map suggests that may not be the case this summer. Indiana appears to be in a narrow strip that should experience average temperatures. No complaints here.

Gracias, El Niño

All the information is pointing to us experiencing an El Niño, which could/should lead to widespread cooler temperatures this summer. Perhaps those of us in the Tri-State area should be grateful - or maybe just cautiously optimistic. I'm kind of cynical, so I'm gonna hope for the best, but I'm also thinking "I'll believe it when I see it."

Magnificent Photos of Summer in the Tri-State

Sweet sweet summertime. From blooming flowers against a backdrop of green leaves to powerful thunderstorms making way for vibrant sunsets - it's so beautiful this time of year. We have some incredibly talented photographers around the tri-state. It's so cool to see how they see the world and capture life's little moments for eternity. Check out more amazing local photography at the Facebook Group: Evansville Photography.

Best Backyard Games To Play This Summer

You can entertain your friends and family this summer by adding these games to your next backyard get together. 

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