Holiday World Raises the ‘Fundraising’ Bar with Coasting for Kids
For the past six years, Holiday World & Splashin' Safari has donated the proceeds from their HoliWood Nights auction to Give Kids the World. I honestly didn't know what the organization did, until I started doing research for this article.
Give Kids the World was founded by a man who ran a hotel in the Orlando area. He would often give families complimentary stays, to help grant a sick child's wish. But one little girl named Amy didn't live long enough to have her wish granted. He thought there should be a way to allow kids that are that sick, to go on their trip of a lifetime with only 24 hours notice. His dream became Give Kids the World.
I thought this must be a fairly new organization, because I never saw it when I lived in that area. Turns out, they have actually been around since 1986. In 1989, they were able to expand to Give Kids the World Village. Today the Village is an 84-acre, nonprofit resort complete with 166 Villa accommodations, entertainment attractions, whimsical venues, and fun specifically designed for children with critical illnesses.
On Saturday, Holiday World held their first-ever Coasting for Kids event. The day featured exclusive access to some of Holiday World & Splashin' Safari's most popular rides - Including the new Cheetah Chase. The fundraiser brought in $15,000 for Give Kids the World!

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