Haunted House Themed Restaurant Opens in Ohio
I will admit that I am a pretty big chicken when it comes to haunted attractions. I hate haunted houses, barns, walks, etc. That being said, I do think I could handle a haunted house-themed restaurant. Well, as long as no one jumps out from nowhere and disrupts my meal….
Opened on July 20, in Cleveland Heights Ohio, The Haunted House Restaurant accommodates food and Halloween lovers alike. As far as I can tell, the scariest stuff in the restaurant will be all the different Halloween and Horror memorabilia. There will not be people trying to freak you out as you eat dinner. Thank God!
You can expect to see movie posters, artwork, pictures, and so on from some of your favorite scary movies. Including A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Child’s Play. Plus, the menu looks delicious. They even serve brinner and spooky-themed cocktails! So, how scary could this “haunted house” actually be? Turns out, according to the restaurant, the “only thing scary is how good the food is”. Who wants to road trip to Cleveland Heights with me?
Now, I know that Cleveland Heights Ohio is a bit of a trek for us here in the Tri-State. However, given the fact that some of us have not traveled in God knows how long, I think it would be worth it. Who knows maybe you’d be inspired to open your own themed restaurant back here? I’m just saying a sci-fi/superhero themes place would be a killer idea.