Gov Beshear Issues Recommendations for Red Zone Kentucky Counties
As of last Thursday, November 5, 2020, 80 out of Kentucky's 120 counties were in the 'Red Zone' for COVID-19. A county 25 or more average daily cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 residents qualifies as a red zone. Governor Beshear has requested that Kentuckians take COVID-19 seriously, and to follow some updated recommendations for those 80 counties in the red zone. These guidelines should be followed beginning Monday, November 9 through Sunday, November 15, 2020.
The following are guidelines, and not being mandated at this time:
- Employers allow employees to work from home when possible
- Non-critical Government offices to operate virtually
- Reduce in-person shopping; order online or curbside pickup
- Order take-out; avoid dining in restaurants or bars
- Prioritize businesses that follow and enforce mask mandate and other guidelines Reschedule, postpone or cancel public and private events
- Do not host or attend gatherings of any size
- Avoid non-essential activities outside of your home
- Reduce overall activity and contacts, and follow existing guidance, including 10 steps to defeat COVID-19
Some of the counties included are:
- Henderson
- Daviess
- Union
- Webster
- Hancock
- Hopkins
- McLean
Governor Beshear will give another update this afternoon at 4:00P.M.
If you know of any large gatherings or businesses that are no complying to any guidelines or mandates, you can report them to the Kentucky Labor Cabinet.

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