Get to Know Evansville Thunderbolts Forward Pijus Rulevicius [Video]
I'll be the first to admit that I am not the most knowledgeable guy when it comes to hockey. I don't know the in's and out's, but I do know that I love to watch a live hockey game. Lucky for me and you we have the Evansville Thunderbolts to provide some exciting hockey for us!
I recently had the chance to spend some time with (in announcer voice) Thunderbolts forward...all the the way from Lithuania...#17...Pijus Rulevicius! He understands his name is a mouth full, so he just goes by either "P" or "Ruley". He and I did some quick-fire question and answers while going head-to-head on the Pop-A-Shot at Gatti Town.
So take a minute to watch and get to know a little bit about Ruley...and Go Bolts!!!