When Can Indiana Expect the First Accumulation of Snow?
You can't deny that we have been really spoiled by the weather here in Southern Indiana this Fall. I love 70-degree days in November as much as anybody, but I also know that we are bound to have a reality check any day now. Cooler temperatures are expected in the coming days and weeks, but when can we expect to see some of that dreaded white stuff?
Of course, no one can perfectly predict when we will get snow, especially any kind of accumulation, but people who are way smarter than me can give us a pretty good estimate based on previous years. The smart people am referring to here are from The Weather Channel, and here's how they determine when we might get "measurable" snow...
We've researched National Weather Service 30-year average data (1991-2020) to find the date by which the season's first measurable snow – defined as 0.1 inches or more – typically occurs.
They used the aforementioned data to compile the map below.

So, to answer the question of when to expect accumulating snow - most of the Hoosier state is likely to see it during November. It looks like those of us here in Southern Indiana have a little bit more time, with our first accumulation not expected until December.
Don't Forget About El Niño
Now that we know (approximately) when to expect some snowfall, the next question is how much snow should we expect to get this winter? Again, that's a tough one to answer, because it kinda depends on the kid. Which kid? El Niño. That mischievous youngster is here and is likely to stay through early winter. But in regards to snow, El Niño is not a bad thing. A strong El Niño actually means a good chance for less snow than normal.
I am getting dangerously close to talking about things way above my pay grade, so I'm gonna stop and hand it off to this fella who does a better job explaining it than I ever could.
Stock Up on These Winter Essentials Before It Snows
Gallery Credit: ASHLEY SOLLARS
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