EVSC Foundation’s ‘HANGERS’ Hosts Clothing Donation Drive
If you're like me and my crew, this is the time of year when you go through all your clothes to see what fits (or doesn't) and what to keep and what to get rid of. Hopefully you don't just throw away those 'old' clothes. Hopefully you donate them to one of the many places in town that could use them...like HANGERS.
HANGERS is a student clothing resource provided by the EVSC Foundation. HANGERS served over 2,500 students last year and is asking for your help in serving even more students this year.
You're invited to drop off your gently used or even brand new clothes at AIS Diamond (aka Old North High School) at 2913 Stringtown Road. HANGERS is taking clothes for boys and girls in kindergarten through 12th grade, so were talking about all styles and sizes.