You might want to look into your wallet to see if you have any of these one-dollar bills because they could be worth much more than face value.

Over the past few months, my dad has been obsessed with finding rare cash and coins. He's always asking me if I know anything about it. As I am not a collector or know-it-all, I do not. However, since it's my dad, I do a little research to find the answer to his questions. That leads to social media sites like Facebook always popping up random ads based on what I have been searching online. For once, I am thankful for these ads because they led me to discover something pretty cool that I know my dad will love to find out about. There a quite a few dollar bills worth a lot of money, and you could have them in your wallet right now.

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Rare Serial Numbers On Dollar Bills

The thing about cash and change is that unless something major stands out, we never really stop to think about if this bill or coin is worth anything more than face value. We receive the cash and put it in our wallets until we spend it. Chances are, you have a one-dollar bill in your wallet right now. If you do, check the serial number on it, because it could be worth more than a single dollar.

Background of american one dollar bills
Getty Images/iStockphoto
loading... is currently collecting cash and change with special serial numbers on them. These serial numbers could mean that your one-dollar bill is actually worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Some of the cash they are collecting include:

  • 7 repeating digits in a row on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 09999999, 18888888, 19999999, etc.)
  • 7 of a kind on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 00010000, 00090000, 90999999, etc.)
  • Super radars on $1 Federal Reserve Notes (e,g,, 01111110, 10000001, 80000008, etc.)
  • Super repeaters on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 67676767)
  • Double quads on $1 Federal Reserve notes (e.g., 11110000, 44440000, 88880000, etc.)
Several one dollar bills
Getty Images/iStockphoto

These serial numbers are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to rare and valuable cash. You can learn more about fancy serial numbers by clicking here, and you can also Check out the site’s Want List to see what other serial numbers they’re on the hunt for by clicking here.

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