The gang at HGTV know a thing or two about great places to live, so they decided to name the top 50 most charming small towns in America, giving some recognition to one small town in each state. If you've spent any amount of time in Illinois, you might think Galena would be their choice...but it's not.
When it comes to wintering eagles, there's only one state in the entire country that has more of them than Illinois does: Alaska. Economically speaking, taking a day trip to any of these places in Illinois to watch wintering bald eagles is going to be a lot cheaper than heading north to Alaska.
We've all heard our region called "The Rust Belt," which is not the most pleasant description, but this region and several others around the nation are also called "The Salt Belt" due to the usage of road salt during wintertime conditions. So, how much salt do you think Illinois goes through each winter season?
When the snow piles up and the kids (or kids at heart) want to go sledding, but you don't have a sled, grab one of these 16 items to use as a makeshift sled!
With Illinois high on the list of states most affected by package thieves (or, porch pirates), you'd think that there were boxes being swiped off of Illinois' front porches every single day...and you would be exactly right. However, those who would steal your holiday joy are really most active on two particular days of the week.
Illinois women just proved that the best Valentine's Day gifts are absolutely free. Every man needs to know this information because the perfect gift is NOT found in a store.