Butterfinger Peanut Butter May be a Real Thing in the Near Future
I don’t want to get either of our hopes up by talking about this too heavily, but we could be getting something extremely delicious coming to grocery stores soon. What might this potential treat be you ask? Well, let’s just say that the folks behind the iconic Butterfinger bar could be releasing a new spread for us all to enjoy.
Again, this not one hundred percent official but I do think that it could happen. Thanks to an Instagram post last week from the official Butterfinger page we know of the idea of Butterfinger peanut butter. Uhh yes, please! The caption on this post doesn’t help the fact that this could all be a hoax. It simply says “We just had the best idea for #NationalPeanutButterDay. Just kidding . . . Unless?” Why are you playing with our emotions on this? You know everyone would love peanut butter made from Butterfingers. To add insult to injury the picture also has a jab at us peanut butter lovers that says “*Maybe sometime in the future”
I do hope they are not just playing some sick and twisted early April Fools joke on us. Because after reading the description of the fake peanut butter jar, I really want this to be a thing. The would-be peanut butter would a “crispety, crunchety” peanut butter. So, basically, it would be a jar full of all things that are good.
I do think it would be a smart business move to go ahead and releases this Butterfingers spread. I mean Reese’s did and that stuff is amazing. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches would be forever changed if you had not one but two options of candy peanut butter to use. I’m just saying, think of all the possibilities.