Psssst…Drinking A Beer A Day Is Good For You – Pass It Around
Where I come from, beer is a staple. Like bread and milk, it makes your grocery list every week. Apparently, this way of life will help you live much longer. Who knew?
According to the Irish Sun, a new study says that drinking beer can almost DOUBLE a man's chances of reaching the age of 90. For a woman the chances are increased by about one-third. It doesn't say what beer; light or dark, domestic or import, flavored craft or IPA, but what it DOES say is that it's just more proof that alcohol in moderation is good for your heart.
Like the research for moderate red wine consumption, the beer study found that you should drink about eight ounces of beer a day and no more than that. Getting drunk is NIT the object here. Most of my friends and family drink WAY more than that. They need to slow down in order to get any health benefits form beer at all.
But, like with many things, if you do them in moderation can be very healthy for you. Think about what ingredients are in beer. According to dummies.com,
- Grain (mostly malted barley but also other grains)
- Hops (grown in many different varieties)
- Yeast (responsible for fermentation; based on style-specific strains)
- Water (accounts for up to 95 percent of beer's content)

Now, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. So, just like everything else in life, moderation is key.
[SOURCE: Irish Sun]
Now, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. So, just like everything else in life, moderation is key. Now, go enjoy ONE beer.
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